About us
We offer software products and development services for 3d metrology data processing. We help machine builders, integrators, sensor and software companies to develop great products and solutions in 3 dimensions.
Metrics SDK
The Metrics SDK combines point cloud processing, geometry and machine vision algorithms – in real 3d. The number of features is outstanding as well as the performance. You can do more with Metrics and you will be fast!
Challenging projects
Do you need to inspect thousands of 3d features within a few seconds? Do you need to align and evaluate data in a multi-sensor setup? Do you need to calibrate your scanner to your motion axes? Any kind of 3d challenges – we help you to master it!
About us
We offer software products and development services for 3d data processing.
Metrics SDK
The Metrics SDK combines point cloud processing, geometry and machine vision algorithms – in real 3d.
Point clouds
Fast inspection in point clouds w/o meshing

All feature types
Ultra fast inspection of all types of features

Difficult geometries
Robust inspection of difficult geometries

Use RPS to align your scan data

3D Vision
Inspect your objects with 3d vision algorithms

Multi Sensor
Register multiple sensors in one coordinate system

Surface Scanning
Scan and register surfaces, create triangle meshes

Laser Profiles
Inspect laser scanner profiles during acquisition

New: Metrics SDK 5.0
- Feature plan inspection
- Inspect thousands of features within seconds!
- Difficult geometries, e.g. threaded holes
- RPS alignment
- Composite features
- …

Metrics SDK
Metrics is a C++ / C# SDK for 3d metrology software development.
The focus of Metrics is performance – reduce cycle times in your inline application.
Metrics is “real” 3d and offers a wide range of algorithms and geometrical functions.
The Metrics IDE CodeX presents more than 200 functionalities of the SDK in its user interface.
Work interactively and let CodeX generate the source code on-the-fly.
Modify and run the source code and let CodeX visualize the results for you.
Create Dlls or C# files and use them in your applications.
Metrics SDK
Metrics is an ultra-fast C++ / C# SDK for 3d metrology.
Metrics is “real” 3d and offers a wide range of algorithms and geometrical functions.
The Metrics IDE CodeX presents more than 150 functionalities of the SDK in its user interface.
Work interactively and let CodeX generate the source code on-the-fly.
Multi Sensor Calibration

Automatic alignment
Multi-view registration and triangulation

Measure distances, compute projections, angles or intersections.

CodeX - Metrics development

More functions
what customers say
With the Metrics SDK we are able to process 3D point clouds in a flexible way with high performance. Especially the calibration of multi sensor systems convinced us by simplicity and high robustness.
The Metrics SDK helps us to reduce cycle times and to be inline-capable. The performance of the algorithms is impressive!
software development
consulting and training
We provide training for our Metrics SDK and we accompany you during the system development. We help you to make the right decisions, e.g. how to calibrate.
about us
our mission
expert knowledge